These ghosts are determined primarily based on their speed. They are typically the easiest to identify if you manage to live...
You would think that this would be the most aggressive of the ghosts but that is not the case. I have had scenarios where I thought it was a Shade just to be surprised by this speed demon.
On the other spectrum, the best game I had was with an extremely active Thaye which didn't trigger an early hunt. I assumed it was one of the behavioral ghosts and laid crucifixes rather early on. The activity was off the charts and then dropped off, making it obvious that it was a Thaye.
One thing is consistent - a young Thaye (which is the most common) will sound like a machine gun firing. It's not often in this mode that you will be in the room to age it enough like the above scenario.
Orbs, ghost writing, and dots
Hunt Threshold
75% - 15%
2.75 m/s when young, 1 m/s when old
The Moroi's speed is determined based on the player's sanity and is the fastest ghosts with LoS and 0 sanity. The majority of the time, you will be breaking LoS as quickly as possible, so you should hear the speed reduce, which is the differentiator from Thaye.
Spirit box, ghost writing, freezing temperatures
Hunt Threshold
1.5 m/s at 100% sanity, 2.25m/s at 0% sanity, max 3.71m/s with LoS and 0 Sanity
A Revenant will be painfully slow unless it finds you via LoS OR equipment. The second part is extremely important because early on, I would often die by mistaking a Revenant who detected my flashlight for a Deogen. Once you get more comfortable, those scenarios become obvious.
Revenant equation
Super slow without detection + hyperspeed once detected + super slow when you break LoS = Revenant
Orbs, ghost writing, freezing temperatures
Hunt Threshold
1.0 m/s when not finding player, 3 m/s either LoS or equipment detection
A Deogen detects you at all times, meaning you cannot hide from it. When it starts a hunt, it will run directly towards the closest person no matter where you are in the house. Once it gets 2.5 meters of you, it will drastically slow down, making it easy to loop.
Spirit box, ghost writing, dots
Hunt Threshold
3.0 m/s when 2.5 meters or more away, 0.4 m/s within 2.5 meters
Hide without being killed - not a Deo
A Raiju will increase speed to thresholds of a Moroi within 6 meters of equipment (on a small map, increases with size). Since I start with a flashlight, I can determine Raiju right immediately by turning it off. If you are unsure, turn on an EMF and throw it in an area you know it will pass, hide, and listen.
EMF 5, orbs, and dots
Hunt Threshold
50%, 65% with nearby equipment
2.5 m/s within 6 meters of equipment, 1.7 m/s otherwise
A Jinn will increase speed with LoS and return to normal speed within 3 meters of you. You will either identify it pre-smudge or when you cut LoS, you will hear the speed decrease.
EMF, fingerprints, freezing temperatures
Hunt Threshold
2.5 m/s in LoS, 1.6 m/s within 3 meters or no LoS
Breaker is turned off - not a Jinn
Hantu is straight forward in this mode since it's speed is based on temperature. Outside of the ghost room, it will be the slowest ghost and will not speed up within LoS.
Orbs, freezing temperatures, fingerprints
Hunt Threshold
2.7 m/s within ghost room, 1.4 m/s outside (assume breaker on)
Breaker is turned on - not a Hantu
Last of our speed ghosts, and certainly not least, is The Twins. This one can be a tad tricky since usually you're going to be listening for activity in different rooms but because timing is a factor, I put them under the speed ghosts.
Each twin is either slightly slower or slightly faster then a normal ghost speed with a 50% chance to hunt. If you're unsure, you can always go in for additional hunts.
EMF 5, spirit box, freezing temperatures
Hunt Threshold
1.5 m/s or 1.9 m/s
Phantoms are one of the easiest to identify based on visual. It will appear every 1-2 seconds rather then the normal 0.3-1 seconds. This can be tricky if the ghost is within close range and suddenly disappears, make sure to smudge.
Spirit box, fingerprints, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If you capture a photo and the ghost is shown in the photo, not a Phantom
Oni are opposite of Phantoms, meaning it will be in full-form more often then normal ghosts.
EMF 5, freezing temperatures, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If it does a mistball ghost event, not a Oni
My absolute favorite ghost - the Obake! This one is not as obvious as the others but the Obake has the ability to transform into another ghost model of the same sex during a hunt. This one can be hard to see unless you are in the long hallway or are able to loop it in the kitchen. It is, however, so much fun when you do see it.
EMF 5, orbs, fingerprints
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
I actually included this in the visual section because it is so obvious when you have a Poltergeist during a hunt because it will throw everything in it's path. If you are ever unsure, throw a bunch of items in the middle of it's path and watch.
You should also listen for the "poltergeist bomb" where it will throw multiple items at one time.
Spirit box, fingerprints, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
This is the only ghost that is detectable based on the sound of the hunt as it is quiet. The best way to identify a Myling is to either hold or place a flashlight within view.
Another tip is using the parabolic microphone, as Mylings will be more vocal.
EMF 5, fingerprints, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If you hear the footstep before the light flickers, it is not a Myling.
These ghosts are harder to determine by hunts so it's important to understand how to exclude them.
Very typical ghost with varying behaviors.
EMF 5, spirit box, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If it hunts before 180 seconds (3 minutes) - not a Spirit
This ghost will be obsessed with following you everywhere. You can reference how to use motion sensors to determine this.
An example without motion sensors in place - positioned in the living room and had multiple ghost events, moved to the front door and the side hallway light began flickering, moved back to the living room where it hunted from.
You can also use the parabolic microphone to pick up the Banshee scream (low chance).
And of course, Banshees are more likely to perform a singing event.
Orbs, fingerprints, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
One of the two teleporting ghosts (other being Phantom but far less relevant in this gameplay), the Wraith has the ability to teleport to you and immediately trigger a hunt. Similar to Banshee, you can use motion sensors to detect it's movement but it's far easier to exclude this as a ghost.
EMF 5, spirit box, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If it steps in salt, not a Wraith
Aggressive ghost that often hunts before getting positioned. In this gameplay, it's not rare to get back to back hunts unless you are preventing it via smudge or crucifix.
Note: a demon is the only ghost that can hunt after 60 seconds which is a big indicator.
Freezing temperatures, fingerprints, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
70% with the ability to hunt as early as 100%
1.7 m/s with normal increase
This ghost hates lights and will make it known. It is more common to blow lightbulbs and perform the red Ghost Event. There is a chance that it will immediately turn off a light switch after you have turned it on.
Freezing temperatures, fingerprints, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
70% with the ability to hunt as early as 100%
1.7 m/s with normal increase
There's not much you can do here other then roll the dice. I have noticed that if I walk in and the ghost room is near the front of the house, a Goryo is more likely to trigger an early hunt before position. I've also noticed that it's a loud ghost during a hunt, often throwing things and creating a ruckus.
EMF 5, fingerprints, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If it changes it's ghost room, not an Goryo. It can still roam.
Often referred to as the dumb ghost, the Yokai are not able to detect voices or equipment unless they are in close range of 2-3 meters.
Orbs, spirit box, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If you are within flickering range, out of LoS, use equipment, and the ghost is able to locate you - not a Yokai
Like the Banshee is obsessed with you, this ghost is obsessed with doors and touching them. You will get TONS of door activity sometimes followed closely by it shutting the door.
Orbs, freezing temperatures, dots
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
So, yes, we get it. This ghost is shy. A couple of things that can help in this game play - listening for immediate activity (or lack thereof). If you do not hear any and the ghost still isn't hunting, reposition yourself in another room and see if that triggers a hunt. If so, chances are high that it's a Shade since it will not hunt with you in the room.
EMF 5, freezing temperatures, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
Onryo also tends to be a little subdued in comparison to other ghosts and I've actually mistaken it for a Shade. There's nothing that specifically sticks out for activity, events, or hunts.
EMF 5, freezing temperatures, ghost writing
Hunt Threshold
1.7 m/s with normal increase
If you place a crucifix with a firelight on top and it burns the crucifix without extinguishing the firelight, not a Onryo
And finally - The Mimic. This ghost can mimic any of the other ghosts and the only way to identify is either orbs or allowing for multiple hunts where the mimicked ghosts are different enough to notice the change.
Orbs, spirit box, freezing temperatures, fingerprints
Hunt Threshold
Depends on ghost mimicked
Depends on ghost mimicked
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